Lion Tales Press Authors
J. A. Lyons grew up in the South before wandering in the wilderness for 40 years. After returning to his home country he has fought a never-ending battle against crabgrass and nap-weed.
His latest works, The West Wind Triology are soon to be released.
He won acclaim for Sweet Chariots – unending love among the Carolina marshes.
The Emerald Spire, a quest fantasy is aimed at young adults but is a good adventure for all ages..
Although born a boy, Jillian Allen was raised as a girl until on her twelfth birthday when she was presented with male clothing and forbidden to ever dress or act as a girl again. This led to many years of heartbreak and denial, culminating in the near end of her life. It was only a loving and understanding spouse and the discovery that there were others whose mind and body were not in sync that allowed Jillian to return to what she considers her true gender. Jillian’s stories delve into the deepest realms of what it means to be a boy or girl, and how the two can co-exist. The reader will not find magical or instantaneous transformations in her writings. Nor do construction workers slip into a thong and suddenly become sex goddesses. Instead, she writes about real people facing life’s challenges. It is difficult to be either a boy or girl, it is nearly impossible to become both, yet Jillian continues to struggle towards that end.